Social Psychology: Questions And Answers

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1) Mr. K what do you mean by you do not know how much longer you can go on?

My rational for asking him what does he mean that he cannot go on, is because he sounds like he is talking about suicide. As a social worker this is something that I want to be clear about. I think that he might respond to this question by answering it in a very specific way. Mr. K is very emotional right now therefore he need help, by me asking him about himself I think that he would be open to answering me with any information that I need because he may feel comfortable about us professional relationship.

You feel as though you are having a hard time and you do not know how to deal wit your divorce?

I think the active listening response might be more beneficial
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I think that she would respond by telling me that she was given five dollars to do the sexual act. I think that the five dollars made her feel a little better about being raped. I think she is feeling a sense of regret, because she was raped. If she didn’t feel regret she would have not said I hope that does happen again.

4) Mrs S you feel sad because you think the children don think you love them like you love your biological kids.

Mr.S you feel depressed because your family isn’t being up to your standards.

I choose these words because I think that they are both upset about the family’s situation. I believe that this is a classic case of favoritism in the family. I also thin that both parents are feeling like they are a failure to their children as well as a miserable parent. I could say something like Mrs. and Ms. S you feel like you are failing as a apparent because your children are not getting along.

5) You feel angry because you think your children deserve better.
I think that she would agree with me and began to try ad justify why she is angry all over again. I could also say Ms. F you are upset about the treatment that your children are receiving at school.

6) You are not satisfied with your value in your workplace because you feel

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