Aldawaa Human Resource Management Case Study

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1.0 Introduction:

The aim of this report is to give simplified concentrated brief about the HRM and its objectives illustrating the highly connected steps to achieve the company objectives, highlighting on the two major models of the human resources management. Using Aldawaa Medical Services Company (DMSCO) as example and trying to figure out the identity of the human resources management in the organization and the roles of the HRM in the firm and how far it is in compliance with international standards and the roadmap to accomplish utilizing the HRM.
This report is a mix of academic research and from examples of how DMSCO is operating now from both, the final conclusion is going to be drawn.

2.0 Background: In 1979 a conservative
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(1984). “ The map of HRM territory” is the title the creators give to their model. In this model the creators realized that, in each organization there are numerous “stakeholders”, which embrace investors, workers, society and government, as a matter of fact that, these stakeholders have accredited rights therefore, developing human resources management strategies should distinguish these interest and combine them to the human resources strategy and absolutely the business strategy. As in the figure, the human resources system configure sole section of the Harvard model and could not be acknowledged unless considering the interests of shareholders, situational factors, human resources outcomes and the long term consequences of …show more content…
Hence, the company aspires to obtain retailers distributed in the whole KSA, aiming to have the highest count of pharmacies versus its competitors’ therefore the policy of DMSCO in the recruitment includes to hire well qualified pharmacists, with good experience, bilingual as a lot of foreigners are living in the KSA, able to work in different areas of Saudi Arabia with altered and numerous cultures, flexible and dynamic, the problem that, to find workforces with this criteria, is not easy adding to this that, you need them young in age to be able to adapt with the nature of work.
For DMSCO right now, the concept of the HRM is not found, the title of the department is found as shown in the figure of the organizational structure but the operation of the department is completely directed towards being personnel management department including the traditional tasks of recruiting, selecting and achieving the usual administrative tasks according to the needs of the top management but, recently in DMSCO, there are substantial changes as the company turned from just a few pharmacies in the Alkhobar city to massive firm with various departments and director for each department with thousands of employees hence, this huge workforces do not need just a connection link for articulating the requirements of both the

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