Censorship In Schools

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“Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits” - Thomas Jefferson. The highest law in our land in the US is the Constitution, which has some amendments, known as the Bill of Rights. Public school districts must balance students’ constitutional rights with the need for safety and the prevention of violence or disruption of school rules. The goal of public schools is to maximize the development of students through academic and social growth. By creating this environment, the school administrators must enforce violations that they think will better the student body which tend to create conflicts …show more content…
Schools are allowed to impose any constraints on student speech in school sponsored broadcasting, limiting the freedom of speech and opinions. The Federal Court says that, "Learning is more important in the classroom than free speech". The biggest area you may see this limitation happen on school grounds is in the School Newspapers and student essays. Censorship is a big idea that prevents the right to express student ideas while in school. The Supreme Court said in Tinker that "If conduct by the student, in class or out of it, which for any reason - whether it stems from time, place, or type of behavior - materially districts classwork or involves substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others, is of course, not immunized by the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech". If the materials contain speech that would get a student into trouble if they said it out loud at school, they can get into the same trouble for distributing it in written form. While the constitutional rules are supposed to be followed by the school districts, the students' rights are reduced because of their age and the fact that a public learning institution needs a neutral environment to thrive. Student’s speech can be restricted at school even if it would be protected if they were off school …show more content…
School administrators, as stated in school handbooks, are allowed to search any student's lockers or backpacks without initial consent. The Constitution states that you must show a warrant in order to search an area or private belongings, but because the student is on school grounds no warrant is needed. The Court believed that schools needed more ways in maintaining order at school, and by allowing this search they do not guarantee the rights us citizens are given. There is no “expectation of privacy” when it comes to school property, meaning that a member of the school staff can look in your locker or desk without telling you. This violates the Bill of Rights because of the fact that they are able to do it secretly. Even though you use the school's individual lockers, they can also give the police to check any part of your

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