Constitution Flaws

Superior Essays
“If men were angels, there would be no need of government.” -James Madison. Unfortunately, because men are not perfect and rather flawed, our country has government, and more specifically, our Constitution. Americans have abided by the Constitution for over 200 years, and if not for the great thought, time, and compromise that the founders put into this document, America might not have been the same. When America arose as a new country, we first had the Articles of Confederation. However, these Articles were simply not adequate for our newly formed country. There were many problems with it, and to preserve our country, the founders had to put much discussion and deliberation into creating a new document, which would become the Constitution. …show more content…
Starting with the first three articles, these describe the three branches of government. First, the role of the Legislative Branch, split into the House of Representatives and the Senate, whose primary role is to make laws. The second article discusses the Executive Branch, the branch of government headed by a nationally elected President that manages the day-to-day operations of government. The third article is about the Judicial Branch, and outlines the powers of the federal court system. After setting up the branches of government, the Constitution defines the reciprocity of the states in Article IV, which outlines the relationship between the states and the federal government. This article ensures in each state a republican form of government, and has the government protect the nation from foreign or domestic violence. Article V talks about the need to amend the Constitution by the states and Congress if the ever-changing society needs so. Article VI states that any official must swear an oath to the Constitution. Lastly there is Article VII, which deals with ratification of the Constitution. This article is simply one sentence and states how the Constitution will be …show more content…
The separation of powers is likely the most vital to our country, in that we have no one person or elite group in power, that power is divided in a way that keeps it in control. This goes hand-in-hand with the three branches and checks and balances. Separated and sharing power, they keep the other in check and create balance in the government. This was key regarding the compromise the founders made, strengthening the government from what it was but still keeping it in control. This goes back to the writing of John Locke, who contended that legitimate government comes from the consent of the governed, who have “natural rights,” prohibiting the government from being corrupt (42). This also complements the Republican representation in our country, that instead of being directly in control of the people, whose opinions and passions can be never-endingly fickle, the people are represented through a small group of elected officials (55). Furthermore, the Constitution speaks of federalism, which speaks on the boundaries between state powers and the national governments powers (56). This is expressed specifically in the 10th amendment, which gives power to the states, or police powers, if

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