Congress Article Summary

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Congress Article Response The case for Congress consists of two major arguments. Lobbying does not have a large of an effect as many presume and that congress was meant to be slow and deliberate for a reason. Although some members of Congress can sometimes be swayed by interest groups, they usually put the wants of their constituents at the forefront of their priorities, as the happiness of their voting base determines whether or not the representative will keep his or her job. Even if lobbying did have a large sway over congress, there are many different lobbying groups that lobby on behalf of a wide range of citizens, ranging from gun rights to defending the retired. They usually give money to and support a candidate that already agrees with them. With the large number of lobbying groups pulling in every direction, the prospects are very small that a single …show more content…
Most congressmen win seats by running against Congress. They constantly bash the organization for its inefficiency which helps feed on the people’s generally negative perception of congress which helps them get elected and stay in office. The reelection rates for congressmen are so high because locally, congressmen are very well liked. As long as the congressmen do not do anything to displease their base, they can rattle their saber and claim they will continue to clean up the scum that is congress. After a congressman gets re elected, they would rather be safe and not risk losing re election rather than attempting to make congress work smoothly and efficiently. Also, the author claims that the high public disapproval is due to Congress never getting anything done. The organization deliberates too much, as congressmen drag their heels to halt actual progress to appease their constituency for

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