Difference Between Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Systems In Buildings

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Fig 8: Difference between monocrystalline polycrystalline and amorphous thin film solar cells.
5.1.2 Photovoltaic (PV) solar systems in Buildings:
The PV solar cells combined together to make solar panels. These panels alone cannot light up the entire building with electricity. Additionally other components are also required to complete the whole complex process of conversion of solar energy into usable electric energy. The other components used in this process help in transmission and storage of the energy when required. This entire component system can be designed in two ways – grid‐connected or off‐grid systems.
Some potentials of Photovoltaic solar systems are that they are light weight and available in varied dimensions and thus easy to
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These new homes can be made ‘liveable’ where they consume zero energy from either the regular grid systems or the conventional methods. These Zero energy homes can be designed in such a way so that they produce as much energy as they consume.
In case of existing homes, passive solar technique may not be in the scenario to be adapted as these buildings are not designed to trap the advantage of the sun. But definitely active solar energy technique can be incorporated either with the installation of PV solar cell systems or with the solar water heating systems.
Solar energy can be integrated into virtually every part of human life - the homes we live in - Solar Homes, the offices where we work - Solar Businesses, the farms and factories that produce the products we buy - Solar Factories, the vehicles we drive - Solar vehicles.
In order to motivate the public, governments across the globe are coming up with creative public policies to promote the adoption of solar energy at the individual, community, national and global scale. Many financial incentives in the form of cash or tax credits for solar power adaption have been brought into
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“Design Manifestation of Environmental Philosophy: The Modern Nature Ethic and the Living Building Challenge” WordPress, April 11. Accessed December 01, 2015. https://johnstonarchitects.wordpress.com/author/rileymacphee/page/33/
2) Fig 2 - Graham, 2003.
3) Fig 3 - Mazria, E. (2003) "It 's the Architecture, Stupid!" Solar Today, p. 49, May/June.
4) Fig 4 - Mazria, E. (2003) "It 's the Architecture, Stupid!" Solar Today, p.50, May/June.
5) Fig 5 - Vilka, Olesen, November 2010 “Active Use of Solar Energy in Buildings” Why How What Guide for the Architect, Architectural Technology and Construction Management. Elective Subject Dissertation., – final – 7th Semester, Vial University College – Campus Horsens November 2010).
6) Fig 6 - Vilka, Olesen, November 2010 “Active Use of Solar Energy in Buildings” Why How What Guide for the Architect, Architectural Technology and Construction Management. Elective Subject Dissertation., – final – 7th Semester, Vial University College – Campus Horsens November 2010).
7) Table 1: Comparison of renewable energy sources [6, page 31,

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