Student Mission Statement

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As a University of St. Thomas undergraduate student, I believe the school’s mission statement has contributed to my personal growth these last four years. I have been shaped into a morally responsible leader, who thinks critically, acts wisely, and works skillfully to advance the common good through my experiences on campus and my involvement in several clubs, organizations, and volunteer groups. All of these experiences taught me skills to better myself as a future educator. As the president of the University of St. Thomas Special Olympics Club, I learned to be a morally responsible leader. I helped build a partnership with Highland Friendship Club to facilitate university students volunteering with adults with disabilities once a month …show more content…
As I study special education, I see the importance of helping each student on an individual level and meeting everyone 's needs. As I meet each student’s individual needs, I will be a morally responsible leader by advocating for my students and their families while following the ethical code by acting honestly and with integrity. I will collaborate with parents, paraprofessionals, and co-teachers. Collaboration will allow me to continue learning from others around me and improve the learning environment for students. I will use critical thinking skills and act wisely when meeting my students needs. I will make sure I am removing judgement from my classroom as well as make sure I am self-reflecting on my and my students goals to create the best plan to achieve their goals. Additionally, I will create a learning environment that best fits all my students’ needs. I will used evidence based practices to create flexible and inclusive lessons and activities so all students can participate. I will be organized, prepared and responsible for all my duties as an educator in order to work skillfully. Furthermore, I will prioritize my work and seek assistance or resources when needed. My goal is to advance the common good every day I go to work. I will do so by showing and teaching my students about diversity, to respect everyone, and that everyone has abilities that should be appreciated. I am committed to the learning of each of my future students and will be a morally responsible leader, who thinks critically, acts wisely, and works skillfully to advance the common good in my future

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