Causes Of Asperger Syndrome

Superior Essays
It is not currently known what actually causes Asperger’s or Autism. Some believe it is due to childhood vaccines while others believe it is biological. More than 68 million people all over the globe have Asperger’s. (What is, n.d) Asperger Syndrome is considered to be high functioning Autism that severely affects social skills but they usually have higher intelligent levels than those with Autism. (What is, n.d) It is unknown why more males are 4-6 times more likely to develop these stifling life altering disease. (What is,n.d) Even knowing all the statistics and ways to cope with Asperger’s it is extremely difficult to live with, however, people are able to work around this disability and live extremely fulfilling lives. Asperger’s is a …show more content…
(Asperger Experts, nod) Most therapist and school officials concentrate on teaching social skills , however, Asperger Experts feel this is the wrong approach and that you will cause more harm than good (Asperger Experts, n.d) People with Aspersers are scared and very uncomfortable about the real world and many Asperger people prefer isolation, which is not very healthy for anyone. (Asperger Experts, n.d) Asperger Experts feel you need to help someone stop being so defensive first and then they will become more willing to work on other issues. (Asperger Experts, n.d) Out of all the information I have received in order to help my son that suffers from this disease, Asperger Experts was by far the best information out there. I encourage anyone wanting to know how to help those with Aspersers to look into this group. Zachary had major improvements once he started using this advice. The most important things to remember in helping these people is helping them find their passion and then go from there, Zach’s passion was flying. After they can establish some kind of self-confidence they can start working on other …show more content…
Doctors are stumped in how the disease occurs and how to treat it. It is mostly trial and error to come up with some kind of treatment plan and not every plan is the same, just like every person with Asperses present symptoms differently. Some cases are more sever and may have other issues hidden within, such as the case with Zach. Others have very straight to the point symptoms that can be diagnosed at earlier age. It is common only to see the disease and not the whole person and then the person eventually fades into the background. (Asperger Experts) They feel that they are nothing more than someone with a terrible disease and that it rules their life and they cannot see the magnificent person within. With the right guidance and with unlimited patience these people can live incredible lives and can prove that they are teachable and deserve love and

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