Tangerine Paul Fisher Quotes

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The novel Tangerine by Edward Bloor narrated the social development of up-and-coming soccer superstar, Paul Fisher, with underlying meanings contained in his simplistic thoughts. This young protagonist showed his growth as a character by way of childish reason. His quote, “But today I wasn’t a coward, and that counts for something,” provided the background that he was not an exceptionally brave teen. Paul’s view of society was limited because of a lack of attention during his childhood. This quote displayed a boost to his low confidence, as he realized that his small actions of selflessness should be recognized. His use of “coward” proved that he saw himself unequal in bravery in relation to his peers. Paul also elevated his entire family …show more content…
The author provided demanding challenges in Paul’s life to show their significance in strengthening his moral integrity. Paul was unwillingly stripped of his vision as an adolescent. This gave him the motivation to look past his disability and find creative ways to prove that his problem was not a major detriment to his life. Paul also lived in a society where he was ignored as a younger child, in the shadow of his superstar brother. Society was represented by his peers. Paul quickly adapted to gain their acceptance. He embodies the typical teenager conforming to society. His character matured over time when he realized that each problem that arose was solved with patience. The recurring theme of perseverance taught a lesson that barriers cannot hold you back, as long as you possess the internal drive to learn from your mistakes. Paul’s lack of eyesight was a burden on his life, but it helped him understand that his physical disability did not spell the end of his life. His vision was actually the cause of motivation and growth as a character, shown through his self-evaluation, “But I can see. I can see

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