Perception In Film

Superior Essays
Comprising of seven billion people, the human race is segregated by different belief systems as a result of differing perceptions. It is from this simple reality that from the very beginning of human civilization, wars have been fought over what different cultures have perceived to be right or wrong. Therefore, human perception provides the basis for what is personally real and what is not; as an individual senses and interprets external information, action follows according to what has been perceived. While researching on the subject of human perception, it is clear for me that this issue is of the greatest relevance to filmmaking because knowledge in this particular concept can dictate the success or failure of a movie. Perception …show more content…
This particular quotation has special relevance to the topic of filmmaking because despite the fact that every human being knows that films are unreal, people relate their personal circumstances to what they see on film. Films have the power to make the ‘unreal’ ‘real’ to people and as such, it becomes their own personal realities. This suggests that people with unfulfilled desires are attracted to films, which allow them to momentarily exist in a world where their personal insufficiencies are filled, no matter how …show more content…
On the topic of depth perception, it is posited that mankind has developed depth perception in order to allow movement in space and not merely to provide information on the relative distances of objects. To support this point of view, it is suggested that the vision of animals serve the purpose of collision avoidance (Tu, 1999, p.12). In regard to this, it should be mentioned that depth perception requires processing or filtering of input from visual cues, all of which represent ‘regularity’ or ‘acceptability’ in the normal scheme of things (Biel, 2014,

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