Benefits Of Same Sex Marriage

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What are the benefits of same sex marriage?

Providing homosexual couples with the same legal and social reconciliation for their relationships will in know way affect the rights of others. Allowing same sex marriage is about the extended privileges between couples. Dinno and Whitney (2013) indicate that it is absurd if the Government excludes individuals from doing something that another person can; Australia promotes values such as equality, respect and dignity, these are clearly not shown when same sex marriage is discussed.
A wedding day is the most magical day anyone can be apart of; as for same sex couples marriage is a part of their relationship where these individuals can seal the deal. In some cases an individual may be denied to
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For families that encourages monogamy and fidelity in a homosexual relationship there would be a decrease of HIV. Legalizing same sex marriage can quite possibly bring financial gain to the government and help boost out economy.
According to Pimental (2016) marriage licenses create a rather large income for the economy. In July of 2012 Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg announced same sex marriage generated $259 million since the first year of making it legal. On the 26th of June 2015 President Obama declared justice for homosexuality couples. Obama later went to social media stating, “Today is a big step for our march toward equality. Gay and lesbian couple now have the right to marry, just like anyone else”.
Some individuals may eventually want to raise a child; it is quite possible for a homosexual relationship. However when adopting a child the potential parents needs to meet certain qualifications and it is preferred if the couple is married. The Adoption act (1994) shows certain guidelines for which an individual will need to meet when seeking adoption. Among the strict criteria reads out, it is preferred that the couple is married and they do take applications for Same Sex Marriage to have their suitability assessed. The Adoption act (1994) also states currently no countries accept applications same sex marriage. Overseas law prefers matrimony when seeking
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There have been talks whether Australia will hold a plebiscite, which is ‘the direct vote of all members of an electorate on an important public question such as a change in the constitution’ (Australian Electoral Commission, 2016). Prime Minister Turnbull has stated “there will be a plebiscite as soon as possible after the election”. Recently, an essential poll was released showing 66 per cent supporting to 23 percent against same sex marriage. Bill Shorten recently told The Australian “He does not support an online opinion poll (plebiscite) costing $160 million where taxpayer money will be used to vilify relationships”. Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott had a different stance on this issue when elected considering his sister is in a lesbian relationship. In a press conference last year Mr Abbott was very open on his view regarding same sex marriage stating, “we need to less ideology and more common sense, we shouldn’t try to chance something without understanding it, without grasping why it is that one man and one woman open to children until just a very few years ago has always been considered the essence of marriage and the heart of family”, he said (Knott,

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