Bernie Sanders Argumentative Essay

Improved Essays
Feel the Bern As the elections to determine the next president of the United States draw nearer, the masses are rallying nationwide, attending political debates and public speeches to see which candidate offers them the best promises. Amidst all the candidates there is one man, a man who according to the youth in America: seems to “genuinely care for this country”. This man is none other than Bernie Sanders. Sanders is a great choice because he fights for women’s equity (wage wise), improvements in the way the government approaches climate change, as well as a more affordable college education for all.
Bernie Sanders being the man he is, has a very busy agenda on goals to accomplish, on this agenda women’s rights holds a special spot. Sanders has been a huge supporter of women’s rights for the past years and firmly believes that there should be a change in the wage gap between women and men. In fact, according to an article on, they mention a document published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics that states that: “Compared
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As a result, many countries have converted to cleaner/greener forms of energy such as solar-power, geothermal energy, and wind turbines. Despite this terrifying ongoing event; which by the way affects the entire world, the United States has done minimal adjustments to make an efficient use of renewable energy. However, Sanders promises to change this by proposing the Residential Energy Savings Act, which states “ provide funding for energy efficiency financing programs that help homeowners and residents invest in retrofits for energy efficiency.” Essentially, the bill states that the government will help renewable energy companies in helping citizens have easier access to this “green”

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