Blackburn's Argument For The Existence Of God

Improved Essays
I am going to argue that Blackburn is wrong to claim that the existence of evil strongly suggest that there does not exist a god who is all-good, all-knowing and all-powerful.
Exposition - Words (189) Blackburn's argument is that the three characteristics normally attributed to God in any given religion is that he is all powerful, all knowing, and all caring, but that these three qualities cannot resolve itself with the presence of evil in the world. Since evil does exist and is indisputably a part of the world that exists, the characteristics of God must mold itself around its existence. If God is all powerful, then evil only exists at his command. However, if evil exists at his command, then he cannot be all caring. If he evil exists at his command and he is all caring, then the only possibility is that he does not know
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Doesn't the fact that God is all-powerful mean that he can control everything that exists? I think that the belief in randomness is directly tied to the concept of free will. Most religions contradict themselves on this point in my opinion, in that they all espouse the concept of free will and how central it is in their beliefs, but at the same time believe in the concept of destiny. Free will and destiny are opposing beliefs, and cannot both exist. Furthermore, randomness has to exist as a prerequisite for our continued existence if we accept that quantum mechanics is correct, which a possibility that it doesn't does exist. However, without randomness, then all that we are left with is pure order. If all the molecules in the universe were truly ordered, motion would cease and life itself would cease. Randomness, essentially chaos and entropy, is also very much a part of our universe in the same way that evil is. If we accept that evil does exist, which we seem to have done, then randomness should be accepted to exist in very much the same

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