A Difficult Moment Analysis

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Looking back into my past has made me think about the exciting and difficult moments I had in my life with my family. There was not one dull moment even though life was rough growing up. Growing up financially was inconvenient, even though my mother did not have to deal with racial problems at work similar to the racial segregation the immigrants dealt with in the readings we were assigned in class. However, if my mother did deal with racial segregation for work, we would definitely be on the streets. Through the years, I ran into several unusual events that I would never have expected to happen. Slacking off and wasting time was never an option since that time could be used for something important. Whether I was in a difficult situation or …show more content…
English was the language of power and the non fluent English speakers were seen as unintelligent and low quality people (Genova). I currently work at a Taqueria and I am not fluent in Spanish, so most Spanish speakers disrespect me and treat me like I am useless and a low quality worker. There has never been a day at work where I was respected by every single Spanish speaker. I began lose respect for Spanish speakers after being constantly disrespected for not being fluent in Spanish. Also, in the lecture we learned about the diverse classes of living, S.I.W.M.U., which is: survival, immigrant, working, middle, and upper class. I would consider myself both working class and middle class since I live with my father, who is middle class, but I work a minimum wage job struggling to pay for college tuition and other personal bills. To sum up, I moved to my mother’s apartment to help pay rent and possibly receive financial aid in …show more content…
She avoids attending school under any circumstances since she was smelly and informal since she was homeless. As she becomes older, she learns to be responsible and attempts the impossible and does four years of high school in two years, Eventually, she is accepted and receives a full ride scholarship to Harvard (Murray). I did not have it as hard as Liz, but I struggled inside and outside of school. I was not completely homeless, but I could state that I almost lived like a homeless. There was no electricity, water, or food in my home for a few years and I have no clue how the house was not taken from us. Dealing with these problems, I had no motivation to even think about school. Life was not easy growing up in Fontana with my mother. My mother was jobless and she had several different people renting our house so that she could pay for bills. She could not afford to pay for the electricity bill, so my neighbor connected an extension cord going into our home, so that we could use lamps for light. There was no food at home, therefore, my neighbor would invite me over to eat breakfast and dinner at her home. Not to mention, we did not know one of the men renting a room was a drug dealer. On a Friday afternoon, I was walking home from school and as I had arrived at my home, I noticed everyone in the house being arrested, including my mother. After the scene, I was sent to court and moved

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