Essay Benefits Of Animal Testing

Improved Essays
Every day, doctors experiment on and brutally abuse animals in order to verify the safety of products. Animals are continuously subject to the inhumane testing of cosmetics, medical experiments, household products, and genetic modifications. In the laboratory environment, the average animal spends it days locked away in a constricting cage while being put through gruesome experiments. However, due to modern alternatives, all animal testing is completely nonessential. Although animal testing provides for a security blanket for the assurance of safe human products and an overall human gain, laboratory testing unnecessarily manipulates and tortures innocent animals. Because it is commonly overlooked due to its appealing result, cosmetic …show more content…
Although there are some benefits to animal testing, such as research for a medical cure or the acquisition of a higher profit at a faster rate, the detrimental side effects will always override any perk coming from animal mistreatment. Nonetheless, through abolishment of animal testing, humans will sacrifice no benefit they currently receive from the mistreatment of animals due to the modern use of alternatives. These alternatives include tests using human cells and tissues, advanced computer-modeling techniques, and clinical trials with human volunteers (Animal Testing).These alternatives cause less pain for animals, are more accurate than the animal experiments, and are available at a fraction of the cost of animal testing. While, most people do not realize the advantages of purchasing humane products, these consumers do disagree with the treatment of these poor animals in laboratories. For example, "A 2011 survey found that 67% of Americans believe that companies should not test products like cosmetics and dish soap on animals and 60% are more likely to buy products that have not been tested on animals" (Testing-American). If consumers begin acting against what they believe is wrong, companies that test on animals will slowly lose money or be forced to conform to one of the many humane

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