Dubai Tourism Case Study

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Tourism Case Study

Background of the emirates supported by recent statistics.
The emirate selected for the case study is Dubai.
UAE which is known as Business Hub and fascinating spot for the people all over the world. From all the seven states, Dubai is famous for tourism, development and many business tycoons from the world like to invest in this region. By the end of 1960’s, Dubai major way of earning was oil and trade to some extent, now these days Dubai is known as major Business Hub for Cargo and Transport services. There were not much resources of oil in Dubai by 1966. Oil generated revenue for the first time in 1969 and it helped Dubai in the early development of the city but their oil reserves haven’t helped Dubai for long time,
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People in Dubai mostly came for shopping and also visit modern and ancient places in this emirate. There is also dress code introduced by the government to maintain on public places, foreigners are not allowed to use alcoholic beverages and to consume alcohol beside licensed venues and private homes. Violation of these rules came in Criminal Act and government take serious action on this. Most visitors come to Dubai in 2017 was from India, whereas in 2016 most visitors were recorded from KSA in …show more content…
Weather is also hard in this region. In spite of all these setbacks, Dubai has however managed to make a flourishing tourism industry. The authorities in the country have managed to introduce such ideas, ancient and modern eye catching spots which play important role in booming of tourism industry. Dubai has heavily invested in the art facilities, work on its deep marketing which flourish her tourism industry and make this emirate one of top visited place in the world. Future expectations of this emirate is also very high as they are planning for setting of sky rocketing arrival targets. They want to achieve their target of 20 million visitors by 2020. In the first nine months, Dubai serves 7.5% more people than last year. India, KSA and UK as Dubai’s top three source markets who are visiting commonly and participating in the growth of

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