Essay Against School Dress Codes

Superior Essays
“Dress codes given the power they entrust school authorities to regulate student identity-can, according to students,ultimately establish discriminatory standards as the norm”. (Gordon)People have started sexualising and discriminating a woman's attire, and having to cover up just so male students can go to school free of distractions. There have been several arguments against school dress codes, such as dress codes being mainly sexist against young women in schools. This does not mean there has not been instances where some young boys have been singled out, just simply stating young women are the main focus. Another issue that has been pressed is that dress codes are not sexist they are just preparing us for our future career. The majority of concerns on school dress codes is the young women themselves. A wide variety say their set dress codes have made them very self conscious, which in some situations have distracted them from learning since they're too busy wondering if they will be called out on their attire.

The standard dress code has created tensions in several schools where both female and male students protested against the discriminating dress code. “Dress codes are unfair to girls but also they underestimate a boy's maturity.”(Brooke) This seventeen year old boy had enough of
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They have a played a part of sexualizing a woman's outfit simply because there shoulders or collar bones are exposed. You may just look past this as if it does not apply to you but it is happening around you so why not do a little research to see what can be done to help you or someone you know who has dealt with similar situations. We have to be educated enough on this topic to form a “good enough” statement to run against a school board or just to simply take charge in a

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