Essay On Affirmative Action

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In my opinion, the United states does not need affirmative action any longer. It was understandable to have back in the 1960s when it was first enforced, but doesn’t have a reason to be used any longer. Many of the minorities in the united states feel as if they are treated like they are less capable to succeed than White-Americans are, because of affirmative action. Giving the minorities a pass to be accepted into colleges or be employed, makes it more evident that there is still a racial issue in the United states.
Everyone race in the United states is just as capable as the next to succeed and get a college degree, but if they choose not to work for it, and put in as much time and effort as the next person, they should not be given a special pass. There are many people of minority that have gotten very high grade point averages, and got accepted into Ivy league schools by going the extra step and working as hard as they can to be at the top of their class. If the United states keeps enforcing affirmative actions, more and more people of other races will try and just slide by, knowing that they have affirmative action to fall back on.
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It can cause tension between races in the workforce and college, because many white-Americans believe that the minority got their job, or college acceptance, because of affirmative action. Affirmative action can reward the wrong people, and holds the minorities less accountable because they don’t have to do as much work as a white-American would to get the same opportunities as them. When majorities get jobs, or into colleges, they aren’t qualified for, they struggle, and have a better chance of failing, because they weren’t prepared for it. Getting rid of affirmative action would make everyone feel more equal to one another, and help get rid of racial tension throughout the

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