Example Of Personal Narrative

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I have an unconventional background, a background full of struggles and self-realization. When I was young, around 4 years old, my family experienced one of the greatest obstacles that we could have ever imagined. You would never imagine that your father would be unlucky enough to acquire a stage 3 traveling cancer, but when it happens it is hard to ignore. This one event sparked a chain reaction that leads to my life today. My father’s initial illness lead to the loss of my family’s primary income and later to the loss of our Florida home. Our family survived for several years with my sick father still working as a roofer until his hard work ended with the loss of his right arm. Unable to work and given only months to live, my family was forced to sell my …show more content…
Uprooted, we were forced to find a new way to survive in a new town. My siblings began lashing out, my father’s and mother’s depression increased, and life was never the same. I was quickly forced to grow up. I learned how to take care of my father, how to cook, clean, control finances, and generally take care of myself. I cannot remember buying something without worrying about how much it cost.
As the youngest of seven children my siblings were given the job of raising me. I have fond memories of my youngest sister teaching me how to read and act, and my youngest brother teaching me how to play basketball and swim. As I grew older I, ironically, began tutoring my siblings in history and math. We all supported each other and in the end, helped each other to grow up.
Sadly, as a grew I stopped seeing my siblings, as they were all much older than me. Eventually, at the age of twelve I was alone. I was forced to focus upon my parents and take care of them myself. We took care of each other, but it is an interesting situation, having your fifteen-year-old daughter making sure you go to bed, eat, and go to the hospital when you

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