Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass: From Slave To Freedom?

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Imagine having to work out in the fields under the unbearable sunlight hours of the day. A long day is ahead of you and you already feel exhausted. This is only a brief assertion of what slavery was like in America. Slaves faced hardship circumstances and their painful moments left scars that will always be present. Using reliable sources such as “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave”, audio recording voices from the Days of Slavery, and a PBS video on abolitionist, where slavery is existent in all the sources, it gives an insight of how slavery actually was and its impact upon history. All of the sources are in some ways similar to a highway map, showing the road from slavery to freedom. Leaving behind clues for others …show more content…
Douglass suffered a lot during his younger years and Mr. McDonald does not recount his younger years, only his happy days because he rarely experienced cruelty. Also, Douglass acquires his own freedom and becomes an abolitionist himself unlike Mr. McDonald who was freed by the 13th Amendment of the U.S Constitution. Their masters treated them both different but they were noble people who caused no harm to others. However, both former slaves shared their honor and pride that comes from the tone of freedom. Douglass wrote a narrative to share his experiences with others and inspire people to stand for what they believe is wrong and Mr. McDonald had the advantage to be interviewed to document his personal …show more content…
As described, in the book Douglass could not rest until all slavery was abolished. In the video, its viewers can observe how Douglass had planned his escape with Anna who joined him in New York and they had no time to rest. They rarely had money and headed to the North, their destination was New Bedford, Massachusetts where the town’s large population was of free blacks and runaway slaves. Frederick and Anna built a life for their growing family as they escaped poverty. Douglass had heard that Garrison was going to address an anti slavery convention and he boarded to the island to share his experiences with others. Lastly, Garrison and the other abolitionist such as Douglass collected 65,000 signatures and mailed them to the state house and passed a personal liberty law. The video was very effective and just like the book it teaches others, white and black, to be brave and follow Douglass

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