Gary Paytown Mental Health

Great Essays
Mental Health Project

Patient name - Gary Paytown.

Section 1: Report on Current Status.

1. Does this person show the ability to be empathetic or resilient? If so, why or why not according to the information provided? Answer both questions about being resilient and empathetic.

Empathetic Lack of Empathy: “He describes himself as an introvert and doesn’t enjoy talking to other people all day” Gary's description of himself as an introvert who avoids interacting with others at work and in his personal life suggests a potential lack of empathy. “He admits that many times he roams around the store and avoids customers in order to let the time go by quickly.” His tendency to roam around the store and avoid customers instead of engaging with them indicates a disconnect from understanding or considering their needs or feelings. Resilience Lack of Resilience: “He mentioned that he will drink alcohol once in a while to deal with his insecurities.” Gary exhibits behaviors that suggest a lack of resilience, such as avoiding responsibilities at work and resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms like alcohol consumption.
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He faces pressure to meet sales targets, which affects his paycheck. His job also requires him to interact with customers regularly, despite his introverted nature and dislike for prolonged social interactions. Evidence of work-related stress includes his cranky mood in the morning, difficulty focusing at work, avoidance of customers, and conflicts with his boss. Social Isolation and Relationship Issues: Gary's social isolation, lack of close relationships, and strained relationships with family and potential roommates contribute to feelings of loneliness and stress. Evidence includes his messy and crowded living conditions, reluctance to socialize, and infrequent communication with family and friends. 4. Do they have high or low self-esteem, and what evidence do you have to prove

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