George Lakey: Three Applications Of Nonviolent Action

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A theory I will be applying to The Meredith March is the George Lakey: 3 Applications of Nonviolent action. (Ridd) Which consists of three concepts, social change, social defense, and third-party nonviolent intervention. Social change which means the goal or change that the group or person wishes to see. In this case, the example would be how James Meredith and the fellow marchers want change within the community. They want to accepted for the color of their skin, and be able to walk the streets and feel safe. Next is defense, which means the thing that you are doing (such as their actions) to potentially get the change they want. This is like when James marched from Memphis to Jackson to enact change to be able to see a black man walking the …show more content…
Then eight components that can be used with the four main one to help the struggle using nonviolent tactics. let’s start with The Political Purpose and The Political Demands. Political Demand means what you want or the outcome you want to achieve at the end of the nonviolent action. The Political Purpose is what your group stands for. An example in the case of The Meredith March as through the lenses of Political Purpose and The Political Demands, would be safety, peace, and equality for all people of color. Next is The Political and Strategic Assessment, this is a great next step to the first. It is basically asking your group a series of questions to assess why you want to achieve your desired outcome. This can also give the group a better understanding of who and what they stand for. Next is the Strategic Aims and Strategic Goals. Which happens after you identify the outcome you want in the first step, then you get more specific and go over the steps or the smaller aims goals to need to achieve in order to achene your ultimate goal at the end of the nonviolent action. The last goal in the middle is the Conception of Nonviolence, which is where you put it all together and create the plan and get a main outline of the strategy involved in your nonviolent action. This step makes sure everyone is one the same page and that the team or group knows how and why to uphold nonviolent action. Then coming to outer circle, once you have gone over your goals, the purpose, views, ideas, etc. of what will take place in your nonviolent action. You then have to consider the other parts of the strategy like the organization, the time frame, the leadership, how you’re going to keep the peace, etc. These other eight strategies are very important

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