Guy Montag: Dehumanization In Fahrenheit 451

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Guy Montag, a fireman in his world, confused by his own intentions figures there is more to life than the little he has been told. Although he doesn't know how to make a change.
In a society reliant on technology and the ease it brings, authenticity of information is in short supply, dehumanized by the deprivation of real feelings and emotions leads to people's live being seemingly superfluous to themselves and desentization leads to negativity where people can't control their own thoughts even if they wanted to, taking away the very qualities that make us human which is immoral

Guy, raised on the belief to burn books, destroys knowledge for a living, and enjoys it. Fireman set fire to books and houses alike, taking the information with the flames. Books have been banished, and people are told of their evils and informed not to read them. Exceptionality is a burden it causes stress, stress is feared by this society. If a problem becomes too big have someone burn it. Dehumanization is the process of removing positive human qualities from people, The society they live in dehumanizes their people from birth, since the information given is regulated for their entire lives it becomes normal to follow orders, go to work, come home, repeat. Compliance is something of ease, all the people do what “superiors” tell them, almost without second thought besides
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Guy asks how he even became a fireman and remember not having a choice. Describing his hands as “just moving, as if having a mind of their own.” He wonders why he starts fires, and can't decide on the morals of it. Frustrated by his clogged thoughts, he feels as if something is wrong. Living his life as a player in his city, he doesn't know where to begin to think of change, or how. Left thinking of all the things he has done, the books he has burned, and ponders how and why he has done these

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