Harrison Bergeron Quotes

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Have you ever lived in a society in where everyone is equal (but NOT in a way the people like it)? Harrison Bergeron did. He is a 14-year-old boy who lived in a dystopian world went to jail because the government considered him as a threat. Nothing stood in his way (not even 5000 pounds of metal handicaps attached onto him.) Harrison is a genius and an athlete who escaped from jail. He is so strong that he took off all of his metal handicaps by ripping them off like a wet tissue.(page 114) Harrison who claims himself as the "Emperor" is a hero to society because of a few reasons that you will read in the next paragraph.

The first reason to why Harrison Bergeron is a hero to society because he tried to help others see that they are living in a dystopian world instead of living in a Utopian world. Page 114- Harrison quotes to the musicians ,'' Play your best. I'll make you barons and dukes and earls." He also stripped the ballerina of her handicaps too. Page 114- " Harrison plucked her mental handicap from her ear, snapped off her physical handicaps with marvelous delicacy." Also in the news cast, the ballerina regards him as extremely dangerous (pg.113) when really
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Government was afraid that the people would try to overpower them. That's why they equipped the people with handicaps to make sure everyone is equal. Page 111- "The year was 2082, and everyone was finally equal. Nobody was smarter, stronger, quicker, or better looking than anyone else." Harrison showed how government was corrupted by escaping from jail. Ok so yes, Harrison escaped from jail and that's against the law, but how does that prove that government is corrupted? He was imprisoned FOR NO REASON but for being himself. I know that they were trying to keep society balanced and equality on top of the list, but there are taking that idea too

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