Hazlitt Blame For Duncan's Murder

Improved Essays
Hazlitt is a known literary critic. Hazlitt uses quotes to clearly portray the people truly at fault for Duncan’s murder, the Witches and Lady Macbeth.

Macbeth, throughout the essay, is dismissed as being at fault for Duncan’s murder. Hazlitt mentions Macbeths mind is “assailed by the stings of remorse, and full of “preternatural soliciting’s.” Hazlitt is suggesting Macbeth is an unfit character, one that is not able to keep his emotions intact. Although Macbeth executed the plan, he was not fully aware of the deed he committed as his judgment was clouded. The Witches, or the “Weird Sisters”, are truly fault for Duncan’s murder. Throughout the play, The Witches expressed no clear motive. Witches are often associated with foul behaviour.

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