Holden's Red Hunting Hat Analysis

Decent Essays
Holden’s red hunting hat is one of the biggest symbols in The Catcher in the Rye. This hat symbolizes how Holden is special and different to everyone else. The red hunting hat is very important to Holden in the book, he takes it everywhere with him and doesn’t let anyone borrow it. Stradlater would ask Holden if he could borrow the red hunting hat but Holden wouldn’t allow him to take it because he was very defensive about something happening to the hat. Holden didn’t like change; maybe that’s why he wouldn’t give the hat up for anything because he didn’t want to change the fact of him owning the red hunting cap. This hat identifies who Holden Caulfield is. This red cap can also symbolize that this is one of Holden’s memories of Allie because she had dazzling red hair just like the color of the cap. Holden does eventually give up his hat, he gives it to his younger sister phoebe. This cap meant many things to Holden and it was really important for him. …show more content…
Holden only wore his hat when he was in private wasn’t trying to look good. When people would ask Holden if they could borrow this prized possession of his he would automatically say “no” to whoever did. Holden couldn’t leave without his hat even when he was storming out of places. “ Then I got up. I couldn’t find my goddamn hunting hat anymore. Finally I found it.” (Salinger 51) For Holden this hat was so important that he couldn’t even leave the place he was at without no matter how angry he was at the time. This also shows that this is Holden comfort item and that he absolutely loves this

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