Is Animal Testing Worth

Decent Essays
Is Animal Testing Worth It?
Every year, nearly one hundred million animals --including mice, rats, dogs, monkeys, etc.-- die in many United States laboratories because of cosmetic, medical and biology testing, and experiments that serve no purpose. To understand the true terrors of animal testing, people need to know what animals are going through. Animals in laboratories suffer from day-to-day protocols and laboratory life, many do not even get a chance to experience fresh air or sunshine because they live in cages. There are still too many people who do not see the problem with animal testing. Although it is very beneficial to humans, it is expensive and a practice of animal cruelty.
It is cruel and inhumane to test on animals and taking their lives. For the sake of society, the number of animals being must decrease. There are many good reasons for this. One being a quote from Jeremy Bentham, an english philosopher, who once said “The question is not, can they reason, nor, can they talk. But can they suffer?” This is very important because testing new products on animals is dangerous, the outcome on whether it will be successful or not is never really certain. If companies stopped testing their products on animals they could be sparing the lives of innocent animals and they could even get
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There are many good reasons for this. One reason was stated in an article written by Ian Murnaghan which said, “The unfortunate aspect is that many of the animals receive tests for substances that never see approval, public consumption, or use.” On that account, it does not make sense to spend large amounts of money, not only once but several times to test products on animals that people would never use. By spending a lot of money on animal testing, it is killing animals and it is not fair that they have to suffer for people not to use the substance that harmed an innocent

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