Kathryn Stockett's 'The Help'

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Kathryn Stockett was born in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1969. During this time Stockett stats “although Jackson’s population was half white and half black, I didn’t have a single black friend or a black neighbor or even a black person in my school” (Stockett). “Stockett studied creative writing and English for her undergraduate course from University of Alabama” (“Kathryn Stockett”). In order to work in the publishing business she moved to New York for about nine years. After relocating in Atlanta, Georgia, “she shifted her interest to literary writing as she moved back to South” (“Kathryn Stockett”).
Stockett lived a life with a black housekeeper named Demetrie. “Demetrie came to wait on my grandmother in 1955 and stayed for 32 years. It was
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“The inspiration for the novel is Stockett’s own childhood” (“Kathryn Stockett”). The story showed how harsh racism was back during the early civil rights movement including being treated badly and unkindly. Also gave a perspective of what blacks had to go through. For example, not being treated to kindly and some were not able to speak their mind like Minny did in this novel. At the time there were also no equal rights to which is noticeable to the things that happen to the character throughout the story. Segregation was also one thing that mainly happens in the story, including the community of …show more content…
Race is not a biological reality but is a myth we humans created. The belief in human races, carry along with the prejudice and hatred of “racism”, it is taught in our brain from a young age so we believe it. Where we live, school, jobs, interaction with people, treatment in the healthcare and justice systems are all affected by race. We have been taught that there are very specific things that relate to race, such as intelligence, sexual behavior, birth rates, infant care, work ethics and abilities, person restraint, life span etc… We also learned that some races are better than some. Race cannot determine how intelligent the person is or the automatically portray one's

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