Manipulators In The Cave

Improved Essays
Have you ever experienced being in a dark room and noticed a light underneath the door, but not being able to see what is on the other side? Well the “know-nothing” people will experience this for their entire life unless they make an effort to do something for a better future. Everyone has had the feeling of being trapped in a damp, wet cave at least once in their life. However, only the bravest and smartest people will escape the cave using knowledge obtained by disbelief of the manipulators, or the oppressors. The bravest and the smartest people will find the truth and have a better life than the ones who remained trapped inside the cave with lack of knowledge and without a vast perspective of life. I have finally escaped the cave and I …show more content…
Know-nothing people believe in everything the manipulators (superiors) say or do because that's all they know. Day by day people are being trapped in a symbolic cave by manipulators, and bad influences in their life. They are in your life to make you fail and to prevent you from believing in yourself so you cannot become better. In order to make you fail they speak negatively to make you believe that you are not capable of escaping the mind control (the cave). By not believing in yourself to escape you find yourself in one perspective. That one perspective is very different than the perspective of the person who managed to escape the manipulators. Those who manage to escape the cave are the ones who seek the truth. The next thing to reach is their …show more content…
Think of your own experiences for a moment. Was there a time you found yourself in a symbolic cave similar to the description of Plato methods? Sometimes in life you find yourself following what others do and believe that those actions are correct, even though you never check to see if they are not in correct. Then you become stuck in those problematic patterns of following the actions of others until you go through life to gain your own knowledge. Once you have your own ideas you begin maturing (gain or lose friends) and result in becoming liberated from the symbolic chains you once were grasped with since

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