Mary Wollstonecraft's Influence On Frankenstein

Superior Essays
Mary Shelley, author of the famous horror novel Frankenstein, drew much of the inspiration for her narrative from her own life experiences and from the world of her time. Several other written works, including some authored by family members, influenced her desire to write. Throughout her life, she endured sadness, losses, and many tragic deaths that shaped her characters within her works. Countless innovations and new ideas in the field of science inspired her to push the boundaries of the known world in her writing.
One source of inspiration for Frankenstein from Mary’s life was the influence of literature. Mary’s mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was a radical feminist of her time and she wrote The Vindication of the Rights of Women. (4) William
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(4) Percy was still married to his wife when he and Mary started to meet secretly. She was 17, he was 22. Her father disapproved of the relationship and did not speak to her for a long period of time. (4) Mary and Percy often met secretly at her mother’s grave. They eloped, took Mary’s stepsister, and moved to France leaving Percy’s pregnant wife behind. They were very poor when Mary became pregnant. Mary’s premature baby girl died in 1815 a few days after birth, leaving her deeply depressed.. Mary gave birth to a second child, William, who was nicknamed “Willmouse”.Two more deathsimpacted Mary, (5) Her stepsister, Fanny Imlay, was found in a motel room with a suicide note and a laudanum bottle, and Percy’s first wife committed suicide by drowning. …show more content…
Percy Shelley, drowned in 1822 on a boating trip. (5) Although Mary wasn’t well off - she resolved to live by her pen and for her son. (5) Other troubles, including blackmail, headaches, and paralysis plagued th rest of her life.Mary Shelley died on Feb 1, 1851 at the age of 53 from a possible brain tumor. (5)
Finally the discoveries and innovations in the field of science during Mary’s lifetime inspired the science in Frankenstein. (1) “The science that inspired Mary Shelley to write Frankenstein” is nearly as strange as the novel itself. Written in 1818, the book was influenced by a scientific feud that ushered in the first batteryand our modern understanding of electricity. “(1)
Mary was a radical, and a thinker well before her time. Pushing boundaries between what was real and what was possible. Humphry Davy and William Nicholson were two friends of Mary’s father and they were two of the early leading electrical researchers.

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