Michelangelo Statue Of David Analysis

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Painter, sculptor, architect, and poet Michelangelo, one of the most famous artists of the Italian Renaissance, was born Michelangelo di Ludovico Buonarroti Simoni on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy. Michelangelo was the second of five sons to his father, Ludovico Buonarroti, and mother, Francesca di Neri di Miniato del Serra. His mother became ill and in result Michelangelo was entrusted to a wet nurse in Settignano who belonged to a family of stonemasons. He later joked, “With my wet nurse’s milk, I sucked in the hammer and chisels I use for my statues.” According to Michelangelo’s biographer Ascanio Condivi, who wrote under the guidance of the artist himself, it was this fact that caused his precocious inclination of the art of sculpture. …show more content…
Which many people saw as one of the greatest masterpieces ever created by mankind. “When all was finished, it cannot be denied that this work has carried off the palm from all other statues, modern or ancient, Greek or Latin; no other artwork is equal to it in any respect, with such just proportion, beauty and excellence did Michelangelo finish it” stated Giorgio Vasari describing David. Even though Michelangelo was only twenty-six years old in 1501, he was already the most famous and best-paid artist in his days. He enthusiastically took over the job of sculpting the statue of David, and worked constantly for over to years to transform a piece of marble into a breathtaking, dominate figure. The most prevalent purpose behind this sculpture was to depict the biblical hero David, represented as a standing male nude. Many Florentine artists during this time had interpreted their own version of David standing over Goliath’s severed head. Michelangelo, however, portrayed a non-traditional David and created a sculpture that depicts David before the battle. David is tense: Michelangelo catches him at the apex of his concentration. He stands relaxed, but alert, resting on a classical pose known as contrapposto. The figure stands with one leg holding its full weight and the other leg forward, causing the figure’s hips and shoulders to rest at opposing angles, giving a slight s-curve to the …show more content…
As shown in the pictures above, he was a wonderful sculptor and painter. Not only was he talented, but he was also a very diverse thinker. He created works of art by using non-traditional ideas and methods. Although he was greatly influenced by the artistic movement at the time, his own style in turn influenced later artistic movements. A majority of his works gained much attention because many of them depicted humans, often nude. He idealized the human form and considered it to be ideal in art. He brought out the beauty and life of a human sculpture by making it exotic and dramatic. Michelangelo portrayed the naked body in all of his artworks, with each work gradually getting more complex and intense. He continued practicing his style throughout his entire life and in result he had a direct influence on the later style of mannerism. Which is a style where artist create a sculpture in the form of complex and exaggerated poses, to portray drama and emotion as well as idealizing the human form, much as Michelangelo did with his figures. My favorite work of Michelangelo is Last Judgment. It shows how creative and intensely spiritual Michelangelo was. He believed in his work and you could really tell in this masterpiece. I like this work of his the most because it is different. He created many sculptures, but never a fresco painting like this. This painting was on the wall and ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, that

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