Night By Elie Wiesel Analysis

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Through times of hardships the belief in God is tested but it is the person's choice to keep or let go of their faith .In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie goes through may be one of the toughest times in human history the Holocaust. one question that was reoccurring several times in the book was, how could I watch this happen to so many innocent juice. some axe why, some lose faith in the god they want to leave then, and some remain loyal and hope that God Will Save the Day, but that is what tough experiences will do to you mentally, physically, and spiritually,

through many scenes in the book where Ellie wanted to stop prayer and give up on the hook for survival. for a while he kept the belief that everything happens for a reason and God and his father gave him reason to go on. God's ways in the book we're not understand it by those in the internment camps.Some Jews had the thought of, that they're suffering wasn't for no reason.” some of the men spoke of god: his mysterious ways,of the jewish people, and the redemption to come.” (Weisel 45). This quote display the meaning of Hope of God's Revenge.
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Some Jews had the reality that the harshest they were going through was God's doing.This means that while their fellow jews were getting tortured and killed they still have faith that God will come and save the day.” God is testing us he wants us to see whether we are capable of overcoming our base instincts. “(Wiesel 45).This quote displays how they felt the bad things Hitler and the Nazis we're doing to them was God

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