On Alzheimer's Essay

Improved Essays
Alzheimer’s, one of the incurable disease affecting hundreds of thousands of people each year. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease of the brain that slowly causes impairment in memory and other cognitive functions. But how and why does it happen, and can it be cured? Scientist are learning more and more each day about Alzheimer’s and learning more to find a cure for the incurable disease. Also, some people might relate Dementia to Alzheimer’s but they are different things. Dementia describes many symptoms of memory loss and other problems, while as Alzheimer’s describes that specific disease. Since Alzheimer’s has become a popular disease and has been growing people should learn about the signs and symptoms, age related factors, the genetics involved with Alzheimer’s, lifestyle factors, changes in brain, and how to talk to Alzheimer patients.

Signs and symptoms
There are many signs and symptoms and may differ from person to person. Memory problems are typically the first signs of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease (www.nia.nih.gov). Symptoms that vary from person to person are memory loss, word-finding, vision and spatial issues, movement and sense of smell problems, and impaired reasoning and judgement (www.nia.nih.gov). People with MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) have a greater risk of developing
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Ages 30-60 represents less than 5 percent of all people with Alzheimer’s Disease (www.nia.nih.gov). Younger onset Alzheimer’s Disease occurs in people under 65 and has affected roughly 500,000 thousand Americans (Alzheimer’s Disease, McAULIFFE, pages 13-14). Scientist are also learning how age related changes in the brain may contribute to Alzheimer's. The changes include shrinking and inflammation in the brain, production of unstable molecules, and a mitochondrial dysfunction

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