Personal Narrative: My Allegory In Christian's Life

Superior Essays
The wind whistles. The owl hoots. The cricket chirps. The fan next to my bed spins on and on forever.
While lying in my bed, I begin thinking about people I know and begin questioning why people talk the way they talk and act the way they act. Nevertheless, my perspective of several people, including relatives and friends, changed after reading your allegory because I began to notice that many people around me symbolize many characters in Christian’s life.
Mr. Bunyan, your allegory changed my perspective on one really important couple¬–my parents. Before reading your book, I honestly thought that my parents were only seeking to cause misery in my life. For example, when I was a child, I believed that I had the right to do whatever I wanted,
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Just as Faithful came out of the world and received the Gospel, a family close to my family came out of the world and into Christianity. Before their conversion, they acted just as so many worldly people do: wearing revealing clothing, watching whatever they desired to watch, and listening to whatever sounded pleasant to their ears. Nonetheless, after my father shared God’s Word with them, they yearned to change from their ways, obtained forgiveness from God, and received Jesus into their hearts. As a result, they now have a strong Christian faith that I believe will not waver even when hard situations come. They will lead lives similar to Faithful’s stand against sin—living sinfully until seeing the Celestial Highway. Mr. Bunyan, thank you for writing Pilgrim’s Progress. Your book has helped me to understand why people react to different things in life. I saw—and still see--your symbolization of several characters in Christian’s life turns into reality. From now on, every time I lie down to sleep, I can think back to your book to see why people live and act differently than I

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