Personal Narrative: My Growth In High School

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To grow in life, many choices have to be made. The choices will either be tough or easy, but no matter what, they help us grow. The people around us help us grow stronger mentally, emotionally, and physically. Throughout my life, the choices I have made have helped me grow in all three areas, along with the people I have befriended, but all of this has also led me to my future aspirations. My growth during my years in school, growth at home, and my future aspirations have shaped me up to who I am at this point in life.

In school, whether it was in elementary school, middle school, or high school, I have grown in many ways. Those that I have befriended have given me strength because some of them are very supportive. The choices that I made when I am around them have helped me a great deal. For example, one of the reasons I joined the Geneva Panther Marching Band back in sixth grade was because of the friends I had at that time. Without them, I most likely would not have joined the band, and if I did not join, I would not be doing much with my life and having the best time of my life in high school.
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My parents, more specifically, my mother, helped me the most by teaching me the difference between right and wrong, how to properly manage a house, and by supporting me through everything I have done. The rest of my family contributed to my growth by helping my mother when she needed it, and by seeing how much they helped her, I love to help others now. My stepfather helps me much more now because he teaches me the things in life that are absolutely necessary as a male. Overall, with a great family, they helped me with choices and those choices helped me

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