Second Amendment Right To Civil Disobedience

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In an age where everything is moving in the digital direction, it is vital that we shower not only the streets but also embrace technology and social media in the fight for social justice. People have been protesting for days on end in disapproval of the current state of affairs between the police and citizens, more correctly, citizens who identify as “colored.” I am one of those citizens. I am one of the tens of thousands who was ridiculed and mocked for expressing a second amendment right to civil disobedience. This form of protest is the fixed mindset of Civil Rights activists, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Andrew Young, which proved successful in their time. However, the year is 2016, and the bottom line is that protests just do not work. Police officers do not suddenly mend their "wrongs," instead they distance themselves even further away from the people they are obligated to protect with every protest. …show more content…
Mobile apps have the power to spread awareness and provide people with the opportunity to voice their opinions in a non-violent way while rebuilding the broken trust between police officers and

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