Deforestation: The Rest Room Of My College

Improved Essays
I still remember the pause i had when i was about to pull the paper towel in the restroom of my college. That pause came with the memory of the commitment i had made not to use things whose productions lead to deforestation untill i really need it. After a long look at the mirror and smiling to myself, i turned around putting my wet hands in my pants pocket so that they would dry till i reach my class. After a few days of not breaking the commitment i realized that although it might be a drop of water in Oceane but we can really reduce the amount of products that lead to deforestation-conversion of forested regions to non-forest land for human use and industrial gain. Also, i have decided to recycle my books and also buy recycled materials …show more content…
I am a passive social sites user. Although, the prospect of getting more likes in posts and building social reputation seems appealing, i really think using social networks is a waste of time .Although i rarely use them, sometimes i find some extremely interesting stuffs and among those, this was one .Till this day, i had an opinion that deforestation and global warming are hoax but still i could feel the climate change , seeing trees all around and in sattelite view of my phones Map app, i never thought that deforestation is that serious concern . Really wondering if deforestation is that big problem already to be a major cause of global warming i stared around my room only to realize my bed was made of wood, my closet , my bookcase, dressers , were all made of wood. There were much more things made through forest resources all over my house. I then thought there are so many people all over the world and they need many things everyday then why wouldn 't the forests decrease drastically? From toilet paper in my bathroom to my bed, i was using things that had directly connections with deforestation. I even thought about books and papers i have. A question arose in my mind, if i am consuming these many products that directly come from deforestation,how much deforestation occurs all over the world just to fulfill the luxurious demands of the world 's population? I was well aware that trees consume carbon dioxide to give out oxygen that we need for survival. Also i knew that if that carbon dioxide isn 't controlled it goes on to combine with methane which traps heat in earth’s atmosphere that causes global warming.Deeply thinking about our dependence on trees and imagining the amount of forests that have been cut down for our luxury,i realized deforestation

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