Should College Education Be Free

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College education should be free to benefit the lives of everyone. In the past, several political figures have supported free college education. These political figures include Rutherford B. Hayes, John Adams and the candidate for the democratic nomination of the presidential election of 2016, Bernie Sanders. These political officials acknowledged the issue of having to rely on loans to pay for college education. College education should be free to give young adults more opportunities to pursue their desired career,eliminate student loan debt and for overall economic growth.
In his inaugural address in 1877, Rutherford B. Hayes made a strong point on this issue by saying “Universal suffrage should rest upon universal education” then later adding
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In the next decade, we will need a more educated workforce. Without a higher education America’s workforce will not know the knowledge needed to be successful in today's economy. Without this knowledge America’s economic recovery will continue to linger until the economy obtains skilled workers from a higher education to better the economy that is constantly changing. (Cappabianca) There are thousands of young adults who do not have an access to higher education. By eliminating college tuition fees these adults can have access to a higher education. By having free higher education young adults could have a more rounded or diverse education.This would result in more employees in underemployed fields. This would create more money to pay off other expenses such as utilities or taxes. This money could possibly be used to pay off other loans from buying a house or business. This money could go to raise awareness for organizations or help create businesses.This would help America’s …show more content…
The average debt for one individual is around $35,000. Students who are indebted are less fulfilled with their careers and are saving less money for retirment. These students are also less likely to own their own homes. Graduates who have a considerable amount of debt are more likely to apply for stable, high salary jobs rather than low paying public interest jobs. (Jeje and Rodriguez) In Jeffrey Sachs book The Price of Civilization, he said that the cost of making public college education free in America would range from $15 billion to $30 billion. Although, this is a huge amount of money this could save thousands of more. The government is presently spending billions for-profit on colleges and universities with low graduation rates. At the University of California, students are dropping out or going to community college in result of being priced out. Community colleges are not funded enough so in effect to this community colleges cut enrollments and raise their fees.

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