Should Illegal Immigrants Be Illegal

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"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" This is a quote on the tablet from the statue of liberty. This quote is meant to be pointed to immigrants but lately people are wondering if that is towards illegal immigrants too. Thousand of illegal immigrants are flooding into the United States every day this is what it means to be a illegal immigrant. Illegal immigration is defined as a person that comes over a country's border without consent. In the U.S. most polls show that 75% and up of Americans think that illegal immigration is a serious problem (Federation for...). The history of illegal immigration is mostly from mexican descent, in the year 1986 many immigration laws were passed to slow the amount of illegal aliens crossing our borders (1986 AMNESTY...). These laws may have slowed it down for a while but now the illegal immigrant count rises every day which leaves the question how should we handle it. …show more content…
These two groups are usually described as conservative and liberal views. Most conservatives believe that illegal aliens should be deported back to their country because they are illegal and most liberals believe that illegal immigrants are just like all other immigrants from any other country and deserve to be here (Illegal...). Both sides provide a reasonable argument. As a recap illegal aliens in conservative views should be sent back home and liberals believe that they are like all other immigrants and should be allowed to

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