Should We Use Capital Punishment?

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I believe that the Death Penalty is an acceptable form of punishment and does not go against the constitution. I believe that it is an acceptable form of punishment to use against criminals who have committed murder. There are many pro’s associated with Capital Punishment. Arguments for Capital Punishment are but not limited to, providing closure to those affected by the crime, shows criminals a severe punishment for committing a serious crime in hopes to deter higher level crimes, and it cost the government less money.

Using capital punishment against criminals who have committed very severe crimes and murders is one way that it can bring closure to people who have been affected by the crime. It brings closure to those who may have been directly or indirectly affected by a crime. Using this punishment lets the people know that law has been enforced and that a criminal won't get away with committing a crime against someone they know. It also gives closure to those who aren't involved too because, it can make them feel stronger about the law enforcement and government processes such as the courts. Having Capital Punishment lets people know that, in the case of murders, their loss will not be taken lightly and proper punishment will be given. It makes sure that a person will not take away another person’s life, liberty,
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It will save money because it will allow the government not to spend money on criminals on things such as housing and paying for them to live in the prisons. Prisons pay about $32,000 per year on an inmate, so the death penalty will help alleviate some of the money for other things. The reason that they will save the money is that it can also help lower already rising and overwhelming prison populations. So, trying to balance out prison populations it will be in turn saving money to use for other things, since they will not be paying to house the

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