Soma In Brave New World

Improved Essays
Imagine a world that has a drug that was like “lying in bed and taking holiday after holiday, without ever having to come back to a headache or a fit of vomiting” (Huxley 154). Whenever one felt overwhelmed or stressed all one had to do was take the drug called soma. One can have sex with whomever one wants with no emotions attached. Also one has no such thing as parents and one believes in a God named Ford. Ones job consists of working on a machine all day but one never gets bored because they put alcohol in ones brain when one was artificially made. In some ways this is already happening to people around the world and if nothing is done to prevent it our world will be like this shortly. One example of this happening in society is the cheapening …show more content…
Whenever one felt stressed or uncomfortable all one had to do was take a gramme of soma because there was “always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon..." (Huxley 55). The Director encouraged everyone to take soma. Mustapha used chemical persuasion on all of them to make them seem like they needed him. As long as they worked for him and got their job done he would pay them in soma. Mustapha made them rely on him because they loved and needed the effects of the soma because they were addicted. This is just like many things today in the real like when someone gets hooked on a drug and needs it in their life. Even in ancient times they had drugs that had the same effects soma did. The original soma was an unknown plant that was used by the Aryan invaders of India in one of the most solemn of their religious rites (Huxley, “Chemical” 296). New drugs are always being made and they just keep getting worse. One is Amphetamines, they work very effectively but if it is abused one is using it at the expense of mental and physical health (Huxley, “Chemical” 299). Even though soma does not exist yet there are good substitutes for it that have already been discovered (Huxley, “Chemical” 301). There are people like the Director that take advantage of these drugs and make people rely on them so they keep getting more business and if people continue to let those people take advantage of others he could turn into a director and use those drugs to control us. Mustapha could then use those drugs to ensure that power against the rest of us because he would remain the same stable self (Huxley, “Chemical” 301). They even make mind altering drugs for people that can be prescribed (Journals, Sasha Macmillan).

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