The Role Of Hell In Literature

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Throughout history, different cultures have described the loss of paradise in their own ways. The Hebrews called this “Gehenna,” the ancient Egyptians called it “Duat,” and the Mayans called it “Xibalba,” but the common theme throughout these and all adaptations of Hell is the eternal separation from good and, as a result, an abundance of suffering and evil. It is impossible to accurately describe Hell. It can only be described by humans in personal glimpses of evil in the world, and most of the time, famous interpretations of Hell in literature are what comes to mind when contemplating eternal separation from God.
Hell is personalized pandemonium for those sinners who chose to reject virtue during their life on earth. It is an enclosed wasteland to those who are claustrophobic and a wide open space to those who are agoraphobic. If souls find relief in warmth, hell is an avalanche of
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Desperation and rejection are the perpetual feelings of souls in hell, like being right outside of an exclusive celebration and knowing there is no chance of being let in for all eternity. As well as being a state of mind, it is also a physical reality. In this place, the senses are continually hounded with the most repulsive tastes, smells, and sounds imaginable; bitter tastes fill the mouth while rotting flesh pervades the air and cries of souls in agony pierce the ears.
Arguably one of the most famous and descriptive depictions of Hell comes from John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Hell is described as a dungeon of utter darkness filled with “endless misery” (Milton 414). Milton emphasizes this lack of

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