Allegory In The Crucible And The Mccarthy Era

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The Crucible by Arthur Miller is an allegory for the Red Scare in the McCarthy Era because there were so many wrongful accusations and there were unfair punishments. There was chaos caused by the false accusations in The Crucible and the McCarthy Era. The chaos caused by those false accusation caused even more false accusations. Those false accusations caused innocent people to be put to death.

Joseph McCarthy said he had a piece of paper with peoples names on it that he was accusing of communism. There was a lot of chaos caused by that piece of paper which turned out to be false information on Joseph McCarthy’s part. Those people that were accused started accusing other people just to clear their name. Those false accusations on innocent people led them to being on trial and ultimately sentenced to death.

There was a lot of chaos during the McCarthy Era. Joseph McCarthy caused a lot of chaos from his accusations. With Joseph McCarthy making false accusations, he gained power over
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The punishments from the false accusations wasn’t fair at all. People were put on trial and even killed for doing nothing. They were accused by others to clear their name. Joseph McCarthy caused a lot of chaos in that time. People were really inconvenienced because of him. He thought if he lied about people who he thought were connected to communism that he would gain power over people. All he did when he did that was cause complete chaos and a lot of trouble for people.

The Crucible by Arthur Miller is an allegory for Red Scare Scare in the McCarthy Era because there were unfair punishments and there were so many wrongful accusations. In the end, the false accusations in The Crucible and the McCarthy Era caused a lot of unfair punishments. The false accusations led people to blame each other which led to more false accusations. The accusations led to complete

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