What Is The Relationship Between Of Mice And Men And The American Dream

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Everyone wants to renew their lives. Especially in the early twentieth century where many migrant workers believed they could change their own lives. However, realistically, this idea was impossible. Instead they worked long and hard hours every day with little pay. Because of this, many workers had an American Dream where they hoped to have a brighter and better future. This dream would keep them alive to strive and move forward the next day, rather than work in the fields with no life and family. One author who clearly saw the struggles of the workers is John Steinbeck and he wrote about the problems in his novel Of Mice and Men. This fictional novel took place near the Salias River during the Great Depression. These characters Lennie, Curley’s …show more content…
For one character in the book, Crooks, all he wanted was to have friendship with others. He had shown his emotions when he was talking to Lennie. Crooks said, “A guy needs somebody----to be near him… A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody” (Steinbeck 72). In other words, Crooks explained to Lennie how he had nobody in his life and his wish was to have someone whom he could share his life with. To conclude, Crooks desperately needed a friend. Although he wanted to find friendship, he let the idea of racism influenced him. Because he was an African-American who lived alone in caucasian community.. When he first spoke with Lennie, he was afraid even though Lennie wanted to be his friend. Crooks felt intimidated by Lennie and let these thoughts escape from his brain. So, he tried to scare Lennie away with his actions by saying, “They’ll tie ya up with a collar, like a dog” (Steinbeck 72). Immediately, Lennie felt and grew more humiliated and intimidated, so Crooks knew his actions that had taken over what he really wanted which was a friend. In summary, Crooks was a man who wants to be treated as an equal. Because of racism thought, he ruined his chance to have a great

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