What Is The Theme Of Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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This regional historical fiction novel written by a young Alabama woman, Harper Lee, claims universal appeal as she takes the readers to the roots of human behavior. The novel referred, To Kill a Mockingbird, is set up in the 1930’s and portrays a childhood in a sleepy Southern town located in the state of Alabama. Near the end of Chapter 10, Maudie Atkinson, one of Maycomb's most open-minded citizens and lives across the street from Jem and Scout. says, “Atticus Finch was the deadest shot in Maycomb County in his time.” This incident concerning the violent dog, Tim Robinson, who is at last shot by Atticus Finch, one of the main characters, is symbolic because it leads both the audience and the characters involved in the novel to learn experiences, …show more content…
The mad dog has become oblivious, unmanageable and hazardous, so it is necessary to shoot it. This is a symbol for Maycomb society, where prejudice has contributed to it. Prejudice has the similar characteristics as Tim Robinson is portrayed in the novel by Harper Lee. This town experiences prejudice in a day to day. When Tim Robinson is seen through the streets, many residents try to avoid the danger that could possibly take place. This symbolises their moral neglectfulness and can be interpreted as ignorant; where Atticus instead steps up to confront this rabid dog and as later shown in the novel through his brave defence in the Tom Robinson case of rape, he is the only one who disagrees with prejudicism. The message the author is trying to present is that prejudice must be ended, or ‘shot’. Atticus acts like a protector as he seeks for the safety of his neighbors and others who live in the town of Maycomb when he confronts a furious dog, and also from the prejudism which surrounds …show more content…
However, it appeared to be a significant happening and it became a meaningful moment in the course of the novel. This is a key to the learning development of the Finch children, and the ideal time for Atticus to teach in deep about the basics of courage and morals. This became symbolic because it leads both the audience and the characters involved in the novel to learn from experiences about major themes intently exposed by the author. As this is being portrayed, so are Harper Lee’s emotions towards prejudice, among many other concepts or

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