The Importance Of Work Analysis

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The Structure Behind "The Importance of Work"
One would have to be a fool to believe that men and women have always been or even are equal. Only in the past century have women been allowed to vote and 50 years since women of color could vote. Even today, women and men are held to different standards. Betty Friedan (1921-2006) was a feminist that was not only an author, but also, the first president of an organization known as the National Organization for Women. She is well-known for her work The Feminine Manifesto, and she is the author of the article "The Importance of Work". Betty Friedan was a feminist during the height of the women's rights movement, so it is not surprising in the least that her article hit on women's rights. "The Importance
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Friedan points out that, "They [men] have an unprecedented freedom to choose the kind of work they will do; they also have an unprecedented amount of time apart from the hours and days that must actually be spent in making a living. And suddenly one realizes the significance of today's identity crisis" (790). Friedan also explains the difference in the times of the pioneer days, when women were more respected and did more, to her present time. When women were no longer needed to be doing hard work and were simply tasked with staying in their homes to raise their children. "These women were respected and self-respecting members of society whose pioneering purpose centered in the home. Strength and independence, responsibility and self-confidence, self-discipline and courage, freedom and equality were part of the American character for both men and women, in all the first generations"(791). The way Friedan conveys the past standards helped her pave the way to her main argument of women having identity crisis's. Because the order of the text started with the old standards of the American woman, it made sense when Friedan started explaining how things were for her in that time. After explaining the societal standards, Friedan went on to explain why women deserve to do more than only becoming a …show more content…
Implying that all women feel being a housewife is an unrewarding occupation. For example, "How many of them [women] have been deceived, or have deceived themselves, into clinging to the outgrown, childlike femininity of 'Occupation: housewife'?"(792). Many mothers, and even some fathers, find joy in staying at home and raising their children. Watching their children learn and grow can be very important to many individuals. Even though Friedan's generalizations were off-putting for some, her main point is still valid. Today some of her points are still relevant. Some women feel pressured into thinking they must stay home with their kids, but some women would rather work on their careers. Another fault in her article was, the lack of proof for the claims she continually made. Her views could have been a thousand times more effective had she included evidence. Because her article still had relevance in 2018, despite not having ample evidence, it was still very easy to side with her view point. Friedan states, "If women do not put forth, finally, that effort to become all that they have it in them to become, they will forfeit their own humanity" (792). This statement will always be true for both women and

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