Entrapment In James Joyce's Dubliners

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James Joyce’s stories are based in Dublin, Ireland and depict the troublesome and dark lives the Dubliners lived. His stories are based in the times where Dublin was under English/Roman Catholic rule and under their control, their duty was to serve the church under every circumstance. Joyce describes this as if they were paralysed by their supermacy in which he calls it “hemiplegia of the will”. His stories strongly depict the entrapment they felt and how they lived in an oppressive environment due to the Roman Catholic Church and the British Rule of Ireland.
In the short story Araby, the young and innocent boy is set on going to the Bazaar for Mangan, the girl he likes, because she is unable to go due to the retreat that she has to attend
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Evaline had a boyfriend named Frank and had planned to go and start a new life with him in Buenos Ayres. She thought that he would save her from the life she lived at home. When it came time to leave to catch the boat for Buenos Ayres, she stopped in her tracks and contemplated whether she should really go with Frank. She then remembers the promise she made to her mother to take care of her father and felt she would be breaking that promise if she left. In that moment she felt lost and confused, asking God to show her and tell her what was her duty. Frank was already on the boat at that time, yelling for her to join him. She felt like she was frozen and couldn’t move. In that moment, the whistle blew for departure and the boat left the docks. The story ends with “Her hands clutched the iron in frenzy. Amid the seas she sent a cry of anguish! She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or …show more content…
How inhuman the character is feeling and the emotion they experienced as a result to what they were faced with (repression and “hemiplegia of the will”). In the end of the story of Araby, the boy lost his innocence and his view of the world drastically changed. The Bazaar being a place where money and goods are exchanged exposed him to commercialism and materialism. The meaningless flirtatious conversation between the lady and the men in the stall made him realize that the world he lived in is a world of corruption, vanity and love for

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