Who Is Lady Capulet Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Lord and Lady Capulet are responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Lord and Lady Capulet are the parents of juliet who is in love with Romeo. The Capulet’s attempt to get Juliet into a forced marriage, and both had a very poor relationship with their daughter.
Juliet's is forced to kill herself because her mother and father are forcing her into a marriage that she wants nothing to do with. Juliet is starting to believe that the only option left is to appear dead to her family, meaning she can no longer marry Paris and escape Verona quietly with her one and true love, Romeo. Lady Capulet informs Juliet that she will be marrying Paris before her dad comes by saying “Marry, my child, early next
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at we have wrought So worthy a gentleman to be her bride?” (3.5.142-146) this is as if Juliet's father is telling Juliet that after all that he has done for her the least she could do is marry a nice …show more content…
Lady Capulet Is leaving Juliet with no one to help her and nobody she can trust. Lady Capulet says"talk not to me, I'll not speak a word. Do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee."(3.5.204-205) when Juliet's mother tells her this she feels like her mother is telling her you need to listen to your father and never ask me for my help again, which only weakens the relationship furthermore. Mrs. copier believe Julia just crying about her deceased cousin to bolt and she tells Juliet to essentially get over it. "Evermore weeping for your cousin's death? What, wilt thou wash him from his grave with tears? And if thou coulds't, thou coulds't not make him live."(3.5.69-71) Even though Juliet is not really crying about Tybalt, her mother's response to such an event is tasteless and ill-mannered. Juliet is really weeping about the banishment Romeo, her mother only deepens the wound moreover by saying Romeo is a villain. Juliet's mother leads to the conclusion of the book because she leaves Juliet feeling as though the whole world is turning against her and as though she has nobody left that she can

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