Antonio Vivaldi: Italian Baroque Composers

Superior Essays
Antonio Vivaldi is known as one of the greatest Italian Baroque composers. He was born on March 4, 1678, in Venice. Vivaldi was born at the time when the city was the capital of the independent state called the Republic of Venice. Like his father and other members of his family, Vivaldi had red hair, and when he was ordained into priesthood at the age of 25, he was given the nickname “The Red Priest.” Vivaldi was the son of Giovanni Battista Vivaldi and Camilla Calicchio. Vivaldi was one of nine children. His eight siblings were named Zanetta Anna Vivaldi, Francesco Gaetano Vivaldi, Gerolama Michela Vivaldi, Margarita Gabriela Vivaldi, Cecilia Maria Vivaldi, Iseppo Santo Vivaldi, Iseppo Gaetano Vivaldi, and Bonaventura Tommaso Vivaldi. …show more content…
These concertos were written to portray events, activities, and moods, since it is program music. All four concertos represent one of the four seasons. Each concerto corresponds to a poem, the poems are not read before every performance of The Seasons, however, there are no records of Vivaldi’s intentions were when the poems were wrote. There are also no records of who wrote these poems, they may have been written by Vivaldi himself, or a colleague.
Of the four concertos in The Seasons, Summer, stood out to the author of this paper. Summer isn’t as cheerful or uplifting as Spring is. This concerto starts off slow and mournfully. Summer then picks up, sort of how Summer actually is. In the beginning nothing happens, sort of like getting used to not have somewhere to go everyday. As the concerto picks up the pace, it is sort of like when all of the summer activities start, sports, and youth group activities, or summer jobs. Summer isn’t very long, showing that Summer goes by faster than people want it to.
The first movement of Summer is Allegro non molto. The first movement is in E-major. These poems are translated from Italian to English, and in English, the poem

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