Peak Performance Self Assessment Paper

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This paper goes over the Peak Performance Self-Assessment Test, Learning Style Inventory, Four-Temperament Profiles, and Emotional Intelligence. It will touch on these topics, and go over the strong and weak points a person will identify with after completing the assessments. It will cover topics that will help a person achieve peak performance, and touch on my own results as well. The information in this paper will help a person understand the different types of assessments and what the results mean. The information is useful for personal and professional growth.

Peak Performer
In this paper, I will discuss the definition of a peak performer and go over a few assessments. I will go over my own results over the assessments and give my personal
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This style is normally seen within jobs dealing with the law. They are dependable and self-directed, so they do not need as much supervision. These people are confident, result oriented, and active; these are strong points for people that fall into this category. While they have strong points that may benefit them in career and life, there are also some ineffective traits that may negatively impact the person. Some of these traits are being dominating and overly aggressive, which may lead to problems in work and home life (Bethel University, 2006).
After I completed the assessment, I was surprised to find out that I scored equally between creator and director. I have always been creative and looked for ways to improve things. I have always learned better with hands on activities and being involved. The director side of me has always been dependable and strived to get results. This assessment has already helped me in work situations so I am excited to see what other areas will
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Emotional Intelligence is described as being able to understand one’s emotions and read other’s emotions well. A person having knowledge of another person’s feelings will help them understand why something is being done a certain way, and can be used as a tool for handling certain situations. Developing a high level of emotional intelligence can help in all areas of a person’s life. Verbal and nonverbal communication comes into play, because a person does not always display their emotions (Bethel University, 2006). Nonverbal communication is a large percentage of emotional intelligence. Sometimes this form of communication can be overlooked if a person does not have a high level of emotional intelligence, leading to escalated situations. If an employee is called into the office for an evaluation and is told that improvement is needed, they may not say anything to show they are angry. A situation like this can cause a person to pop their knuckles, look away, or start breathing rapidly. Noticing these signs can help with wording that is used during the evaluation, and may help the person calm down (Bethel University,

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